Brand Owners & Distributors

Your Brand featured on

Would you like to have your brand featured on The Ace List? We are always open to discuss new opportunities.

Keep in mind that we are not for sale. We only feature products that we genuinely believe in – both in terms of design as well as quality. As such we will need at least one item to test for an extended period of time. If we like it, we’ll talk. If we don’t, we’ll talk to – but the talk will be much shorter.

If we do decide to work together we will put in our best effort to bring your brand to the attention through all of our usual platforms, such as the Ace Jewelers and Miss Ace Jewelers Instagram accounts. We’ll do photographs, reviews, in-depth articles, and put the items in The Ace List eBoutique. If it’s a success we’ll keep it going, if it’s a big success we might take it over to Ace Jewelers, and if it doesn’t work we’ll call it a day. Simple right?